Bernedoodle puppies, the perfect family companion!
Maisy and Olive
We have a planned breeding with Maisy and Olive in late August/early September with pups ready to go home in December/January. These bernedoodle babes will be smaller at about 30-50 lbs. All pups from this litter will be allergy friendly with non-shedding wavy and curly coats. Maisy's pups range in temperament from fun and outgoing to sweet and reserved. We're expecting a big variety of colours including red, brown, black and sable in tri-colour, tuxedo and abstract. Maisy has big litters so there will be plenty of different personalities and colours available. We are expecting therapy quality pups from this litter. If you're looking for a facility therapy dog, service dog or emotional support dog, our temperament assessments help identify the pups that will do well in these roles.
Bernedoodles are intelligent and easy to train but also mellow and laid back. These pups are perfect for families with children, couples and singles. If you're looking for a snuggly shadow, bernedoodles are your dog! This pairing is first generation back crossed with poodle, making them F1b: 25% Bernese mountain dog, 50% mini poodle, and 25% standard poodle.
We are expecting Maisy to have another big litter as she had 12 pups in her first litter!
Please fill out a puppy application if you are interested in these little heart healers!
Reservation List
1. Breeder
2. Breeder
3. Amy B.
4. Grace W.
5. Ana P.
6. Hawkes family
7. Landucci Family
8. Sandland Family
Maisy's Reservation List is now full but we are still taking applications for her contact list. There is no deposit or obligation for the contact list; we will reach out when pups are born. We are expecting a very big litter as Maisy had 12 pups in her first litter!
Amee's Spring Litter
We are beginning to plan for Amee's spring Australian mountain doodle pups!
Amee is the most loving, sweet, snuggle bug dog I've ever met. We're expecting pups with awesome support temperaments like Amee. Please fill out a puppy application if you are interested these gorgeous, sweet babes.
AMD's are becoming very popular as these pups do well in an active family environment. They are intelligent and easy to train. AMD dogs are versatile, keeping up with busy schedules but they are also happy to snuggle and relax on slower days. These pups will be a perfect mix of outgoing, confident and intelligent, with a good off switch. AMD dogs make great support animals with our beginner therapy training and continued training in their new families. We're expecting traditional black, tan and white tri-colour and merle, tan and white tri-colour. Pups will mature to 40-60lbs with wavy to curly, non-shedding coats.
Reservation List
1. Breeder
2. Breeder
3. Dean Family
4. Stocks Family
5. Open
6. Open
7. Open
8. Open
Exciting Things Happening in 2025!
We have some exciting pairings coming in 2025. Litters will include mini and medium bernedoodles and Australian mountain doodles in gorgeous merle and tri colours. Please fill out a puppy application and indicate you are interested in a future litter so we can add you to the contact list.